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Exterminator Rosemont, extermination services in Rosemont

Technician by city

Our technicians are present in more than 50 cities in the region. Talk to one of our exterminators in your area and get a quote in less than 2 minutes by calling our local number:

Services offered in the city :

  • Exterminate and control insects and rodents
  • Capture and relocate wildlife
  • Seasonal treatment against spiders, ants, earwigs, rodents, etc...
  • Sewage system audits
  • Preventive treatment
  • Odor treatment
  • Monthly contract available
  • Annual service offer

Why trust us:

  • Long-term written guarantee at the best price
  • Telephone estimate respected
  • Anonymous vehicles
  • Expertise and advice
  • Over 25 years of experience
  • Emergency service/ 7 days

Contact one of our exterminators in Montreal - Rosemont Borough

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